Tag Archives: Tears

You Brought Tears to My Eyes…

Since my Chronic Lyme Disease (CLD) diagnosis, I’ve reached out to the Lyme community through direct emails to other Lymies and through this blog. I’ve read about some pretty terrible stories. There are people out there really suffering and feeling isolated, alone, frustrated, and fearful of what their lives will become.

I’ve been there.

I really have.

I’m currently on the down slop of another Herx…a pretty intense on too…and when I read about how much pain some of my fellow Lymies are in, it tears at my heart and really does bring tears to my eyes. I’ve always been the tough chick. The one that could handle anything. You know what? I found the one thing that breaks me apart inside: true understanding. That feeling you get when you read someone’s story and say to yourself “wow – that was me, is this person living in my own head or something?” I know my battle is not over. I have my good days and I have my bad days, but I know that slowly and surely I AM getting better. I’m winning my battle. So when I hear about others who are still in that state of mind where they haven’t had that breath of fresh air that energizes them and helps to push them through to the next good day, I feel sad.

I want to make their pain go away.

I just hope that my words, whether read through this blog or offered through comments on a fellow Lymie’s post will help some of you, just as words from others have helped me. As I’ve said before and will continue to preach: we’re all in this together.

We fight together, we win together.

Working together and helping each other is the only way that any of us are going to get through this. We are pioneers in the battle against Lyme Disease. There were many before us, and there will unfortunately be many after us, but we have something that our predecessors didn’t have: Each other. We have this lovely thing called the internet where we get to use social media to promote our cause and to find that support that we all so desperately need. It will be our generation of sufferers who will bring Chronic Lyme Disease to the forefront. It is our time to push for answers. It is our time to shed light on this horrible disease. And it is our time to kill it. We are so much stronger as a team than we are as individuals (and there are some pretty touch people in this fight with us!).

How about it?
Are you in?
Are you a Lymie who’s decided that enough is enough?
Are you fighting?
Are you someone who is trying to help support a Lymie?
Are you struggling to understand?

Together we can make CLD history…Who’s with me?