CBC Reports Blood Tests in Canada Inadequate for Lyme Patients

The CBC recently reported on the fact that the blood tests used in Canada are horribly inadequate in identifying Lyme disease bacteria in patients. Jim Wilson, head of the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation was quoted saying: “We have many strains of the Lyme bacteria. We’re only testing for one strain of one species … we think that is horribly wrong.”

Read the full story here.

What the video in the above link does not discuss, but what the written report touches on is the fact that Canada uses testing that has been considered out of date in the US for quite a while. The Canadian Health Authority would rather discredit the labs in the US who offer the Western Blot testing than admit that their sole testing option here is Canada is insufficient to accurately diagnose Lyme Disease. I challenge the Canadian authorities to pull their heads out of the sand and finally take note of the growing epidemic that is Lyme Disease.

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